Meet The Mathews Family

Huldah Mathews

— married Daniel Mathews Jr.
— older sister of Brigadier-General Rufus Putnam
— granddaughter of Deacon Edward Putnam, infamous for the Salem Witch Trials
— mother of 10 children, but only 5 reached adulthood


Daniel Mathews Jr.

— married Huldah Putnam
— purchased land grant in New Braintree in 1749
— erected first sawmill
— fought in French & Indian and Revolutionary Wars
— served on Committee of Correspondence prior to the Revolution
— elected town treasurer
— published public apology during Shays’s Rebellion
— father of 10 children, but only 5 reached adulthood

Rufus Putnam

— younger brother of Huldah Putnam
— apprenticed to Daniel Mathews Jr.
— served in French & Indian War
— appointed Chief of Engineers by George Washington
— commissioned as Brigadier-General in 1783
— surveyor of lands in Province of Maine
— organizer of Ohio Company of Associates to settle Northwest Territory land
— founded Marietta in 1788
— served in Anthony Wayne’s army during Indian War
— appointed the first Surveyor General of the United States by President Washington in 1796
— helped Increase purchase Ohio land and develop Springfield (Putnam)




Brigadier-General Rufus Putnam, "Father of Ohio" image


Susannah Mathews Stone

— married Captain Jonathan Stone
— eldest sister of Increase Mathews
— driving 2 cows, she rode on horseback as she and her family traveled from Massachusetts to the Northwest Territory in 1789
— home built in 1799 is recognized Underground Railroad stopover point
— maintained dairy and farm in Belpre, Ohio after Jonathan died at age 50
— home is listed on National Register of Historic Places

Captain Jonathan Stone

— married Susannah Mathews
— paymaster of Rufus Putnam’s regiment on April 10, 1777
— appointed Captain in 1781
— served with militia to suppress Shays’s Rebellion
— arrived at Marietta in May 1788 and is listed among the “First 48” settlers to Ohio
— departed Massachusetts with Susannah and their children on July 4, 1789
— with his 2 shares in Ohio Company of Associates purchased about 2,000 acres at Belpre, Ohio
— deputy surveyor
— erected “Stone’s Fort” to shelter other families during Indian war
— appointed Washington County Treasurer in 1792
— home he built in 1799 is recognized Underground Railroad stopover point




Elisha Mathews

— Increase’s eldest brother
— served in Revolutionary War
— married first cousin, Hannah Snow
— was part of militia called to suppress Shays’s Rebellion
— inheritied farm and sawmill in New Braintree, Massachusetts


Sarah Mathews

— older sister of Increase
— married Lieutenant Joseph Willson
— mother of Melissa and Reverend Luther Willson
— lived in Leicester, Massachusetts

John Mathews

Colonel Keyes’s regiment
Age: 16 years
Stature: 5 feet 2 inches
Complexion: light

Mass. Soldiers & Sailors of the Revolutionary War, Volume 8



John Mathews

— older brother of Increase
— enlisted in Revolutionary War in 1781
— surveyed the Seven Ranges in 1786 along with the men appointed by the Confederated Congress
— almost massacred while surveying for the Ohio Company of Associates in 1789
— provisioned many Ohio forts during Indian War
— witnessed the 1795 Treaty of Greenville
— military land warrant agent
— elected to Ohio House of Representatives in 1807
— elected to Ohio Senate in 1820


image of Dr. Increase Mathews: adventurer, apothecary, doctor, farmer, pioneer, town founding father, husband and father


Dr. Increase Mathews

— ninth child born to Huldah Putnam and Daniel Mathews Jr.
— less than age 4 when Revolutionary War begins
— attends college then studies medicine with Dr. Spencer Field of Oakham
— keeps journal while traveling from Massachusetts to Ohio in 1798
— makes Ohio land purchase in spring of 1801
— with Rufus Putnam and Levi Whipple co-founds Springfield later renamed Putnam which was annexed into Zanesville, Ohio
— first physician near the Muskingum River
— opens first drug store in Ohio
— first to import merino sheep