
Author Astralia Dik’s psychological and mystical thriller novel is available on Amazon. It is also dystopian describing the end of the world. It answers the question how to survive in such conditions and offers to learn the ideology of soul development. This book is a journey through parallel worlds showing different states of a soul.

You can find out more about this psychological and mystical thriller novelist at Astralia Dik on Smashwords. Visit her author page at: Goodreads Author Astralia Dik. You may even tweet her!

Astralia’s Interview

Do you consider yourself (1) an introvert OR (2) an extrovert?

I’m introvert because I love to be at home in lonelyness to think about details of my books.

Book details are important!

Science has advanced and we can now colonize other planets. Do you (1) sign up to be a colonist OR (2) remain on Earth?

I remain on Earth because I think other planets are unsuitable for residing because of they were left by ancient civilizations. We must save our planet, must learn to love it, not try to escape from its problems because we are the reason of them.

Definitely a homebody!

You have enough money to do anything. Will you (1) pamper yourself at a spa for a week OR (2) go on a cruise for a week?

I choose a cruise because I prefer an active rest. It gives an opportunity to see many new things and to be inspired from them for writing of new books.

Great choice!

Do you (1) love shopping OR (2) hate shopping?

Hate shopping because I don’t think it’s important to go and choose many useless things. When I need something I know what it is and I go in the shop to buy only it.

A fascinating observation!

What is your favorite (1) song OR (2) book?

My favorite book is Mahabharata because in this epic you can find advice for any case in life. It is no accident that it is considered the fifth Veda, because it includes the wisdom of those who lived in the past Yugas, in which people had a higher consciousness. This is the book where the level of spiritual development of a person directly and clearly affects his capabilities.

Interesting insight. Thanks for being interviewed, Astralia!

Mystics by Astralia Dik


Evah & the Unscrupulous Thwargg

Author Longoria Wolfe’s young adult science fiction/fantasy novel is available on Amazon. A young girl discovers she has a connection to a mystical tribe vanquished at the hands of the ruling technological society. The tribe may reemerge through her but she will have to navigate through their system of control and murder. Evah & the Unscrupulous Thwargg is a sci-fi story with adventure, mystery and paranormal elements. The Kindle edition has been lowered to the lowest price for readers during this unprecedented time of the pandemic.

You can find out more about this YA sci-fi novelist on her website at Longoria Wolfe. Visit his page at: Goodreads Author Longoria Wolfe. You may even tweet her!

Longoria’s Interview

Do you consider yourself (1) an introvert OR (2) an extrovert?

Introvert for sure but I’m a weird hybrid. The college intro Myer-Briggs said I was an introvert but at the same time, I was a performing artist in the Theater. I spent most of my life performing in front of thousands of people and maybe it was the introspective introvert side that yielded the most productive preparation for my roles. Still to this day if I had to choose between a hopping party of a thousand people and a chance to hang out with one person I’d choose the opportunity to spend quality time with someone. I guess I’m socially awkward. Some people really have a grasp on what their personality brings to a gathering or the world in general. I tend to feel like I don’t have a clue about that on the most basic level.

Quality time is always awesome!

You have enough money to do anything. Will you (1) pamper yourself at a spa for a week OR (2) go on a cruise for a week?

I’d like to say a cruise but I’m way to driven by socially conscious issues. If I had so much money I’d buy a home for my loved ones who needed it, send my mom on a cruise, contribute to feeding the poor, help with children’s cancer research, and try to help get a prisoner of conscience released like human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh in Iran who’s been imprisoned multiple times for helping with women’s rights.

A philanthropist in the making!

What is your (1) most favorite thing to do OR (2) least favorite thing to do?

Least favorite thing is to tell an author looking for my support publicly that they need to have their work further edited or developed. Ouch, man, that is rough. As an indie author, getting your work noticed is a tough task it seems. I want to be able to love other author’s work and have mine loved. I wish every author who feels they have a story that needs to be told great success. When I was planning my novel I had to decide, am I going to put the money in for an editor or just rely on my own skill to meet a high-quality standard. After publication, I’m glad I did with an editor. It’s really worth it. Many editors are tried and true professionals who have a lot to offer.

Wonderful reasoning!

You can travel back in time. Will you go back (1) 10 years OR (2) 25 years.

Twenty-five. Maybe further. There was an age when I was pretty self-serving and didn’t care much about suffering outside my bubble. One person can make positive differences with the ones they love and in the community or world at large. I missed some times when I could have done things and directed peoples lives in a more positive way.

A fascinating observation!

What is your favorite (1) song OR (2) book?

Candide, favorite book. The simplicity of the storytelling shows how the greatest events can be like passing flashes but still change the course of life radically. It reveals connections between humans and our need for one another, that go deeper than, “We’re strong and viral, we’re smart and influential, we’re so pretty we’re disarming. The work gets at why people come together with deep connections. Forgiveness. And, that despite our most amazing accomplishments and discoveries, when all is said and done, we need other people.

Interesting insight. Thanks for being interviewed, Longoria!

Evah & the Unscrupulous Thwargg
Evah & the Unscrupulous Thwargg


Sky Fighters and Houndy Crunchers

Author Ross Eberle’s fantasy/science fiction novela is a coming-of-age story available on Amazon. One evening, a boy and his Mom leave a busy supermarket, armed with bags of groceries. Their eagerness to get home is cut off by a low humming sound unlike any aircraft from Earth. Looking to the sky, they freeze as a massive submarine-shaped ship emerges from an overhead cloud bank. The craft pulsates with light and suddenly bombards the supermarket and surrounding parking lot with neon red laser blasts. Frightened shoppers run, scream, drop groceries, and duck for cover. The assault continues amidst the shattering storefront glass, crumbling concrete walls, and shopping carts charred and flipped through the air like toys. As the boy and his Mom cling together in terror, his mind reels with one question: Will he survive? Through a miraculous chain of events, however, they did survive. The attack on the shopping center by these hostile extraterrestrials left him wondering for several years: Who or what are these beings? And what do they have against us? One day, a few years later the boy was contacted by a mysterious man from another planet who went by the name of Master Mantecado. From this point forward, the boy’s life changes dramatically as he is recruited into an elite and powerful organization known as the Sky Fighters. Their mission? To take down the vicious Python Demons responsible for the attack on the innocent humans of Earth. The road to victory will be long and challenging, but one thing is certain: The Sky Fighters are determined to wipe out the Python Demons before they cause any more destruction.

You can find out more about science fiction novelist Ross Eberle on Facebook. His website is Sky Fighters and Houndy Crunchers. Visit his page at: Goodreads Author Ross Eberle. You may even tweet him!

Ross’s Interview

Science has advanced and we can now colonize other planets. Do you (1) sign up to be a colonist OR (2) remain on Earth?

I would sign up to be a colonist in the hopes the planet we discover might be one from my novel series!

That would be pretty awesome!

Do you prefer to watch (1) a sunrise OR (2) a sunset.

I prefer to watch a sunset, because I feel it’s more relaxing than having to wake up just to catch a sunrise.

So not an early bird!

You have enough money to do anything. Will you (1) pamper yourself at a spa for a week OR (2) go on a cruise for a week?

I will neither pamper myself at a spa for a week NOR go on a cruise for a week. I will instead use one-fourth of the money to give to my Mom, one-fourth to a reputable, trustworthy, nature-conserving-related charity, one-fourth to go on a hike and climb a mountain for a week, and the final one-fourth to either attend college to land my dream-job or to pay someone (Like you) to promote my novella/novel series! To find out what my dream job is, just ask me.

I’m sure many people will ask you this question!

Do you prefer (1) to people watch OR (2) bird watch?

I prefer to bird watch! Why? Have you ever seen the way birds behave? They’re so adorable! And more logical than people to.

An interesting observation!

Which is more important: (1) a reduction in global warming OR (2) reduction of communicable diseases?

A reduction in global warming, and I simply CANNOT stress this enough. Our planet (And all or most species contained herein) are in danger of DYING!! And it’s not just because of global warming, as many folks have called it. Our planet’s entire climate is changing and for the worse! And it has been for decades. The time for all of humanity (And all trained animals) to act upon saving our planet is NOW. I even wrote up a one-page essay, highlighting the steps we can take to save our precious Mother Earth right now, and what steps I myself plan to take. If you’d like to read this essay I wrote, I will gladly send you a copy of it.

Thanks for being interviewed, Ross!

Sky Fighters and Houndy Crunchers
Sky Fighters and Houndy Crunchers


A The Earthside Trilogy Novel

Author Sherri Moorer’s newest science fiction novel is available on Amazon. It’s been 129 years since humanity discovered nanotechnology and two alien races in The Earthside Trilogy. Willow Lanier, the great-great granddaughter to the leader of one of the alien movements, has been banished from Earth for launching a cybertec virus in a political statement against the cybernetic aliens. She’s sentenced to Kuiper Station One along with a scientific contingency and nine other prisoners involved in her plot. The catch: their mission is a secret study on a spatial anomaly in the outer reaches of the solar system that appeared when the energy aliens arrived on Earth in 2098. Soon, the team discovers that alien intervention has changed everything not in just their solar system, but in all of reality. 

Find out more about science fiction novelist Sherri Moorer on Facebook. Her website is sherrithewriter. Visit her page at: Goodreads Author Sherri Fulmer Moorer. You may even tweet her!

Sherri’s Interview

Science has advanced and we can now colonize other planets. Do you (1) sign up to be a colonist OR (2) remain on Earth?

 I’d remain on Earth, and let more adventurous souls fight over the spots to be a colonist. I’ve been the “Guinea pig” for enough new technology to know that discovering and dealing with the bugs in the system is a nightmare that I’d rather avoid! Every situation has unknown variables that are only known once you’re neck deep in them, and can’t get out. Nothing is certain, but I’d rather go in with more knowledge and the first “test runs” done to have a better idea of what kind of adventure lies ahead.

I wouldn’t want to be neck deep either!

You prefer to watch (1) a sunrise OR (2) a sunset.

A sunset, because I’m only a morning person through force of a “day job.” When left to my own choices, my requirement is to actually sleep past sunrise! Hey, I’m a writer. We’re all night owls! Mornings are painful, and I believe that getting up at 6 a.m. is bad for you. I always feel better when I sleep past sunrise – or at least, I’m in a better mood those days!

It’s funny how everyone’s body clock is different!

You have enough money to do anything. Will you (1) pamper yourself at a spa for a week OR (2) go on a cruise for a week?

That’s a tough one, but I think I’d pamper myself at the spa. I’ve been on a cruise and it was a wonderful experience, but I’d want to do something I haven’t done before. I’ve never been able to “treat” myself to the spa, so I think I’d want to take advantage of that opportunity.

Good reason to do so!

You can travel back in time. Will you go back (1) 10 years OR (2) 25 years.

I’d definitely go back 25 years. I was 19 years old then, a sophomore in college, and met my now-husband that year. It was a great year that I’d love to revisit. Ten years ago, however, not so much. Life was actually pretty difficult then. My job moved at the same time that my father-in-law was diagnosed with dementia. Let’s just say that I wouldn’t redo the 2010’s for any amount of money in the world because life kicked me around way too much. College, however, was a (mostly) good experience that I’d love to redo.

Great, especially if your current knowledge of your life goes with you!

Do you prefer to read (1) an e-book OR (2) a paperback?

An ebook, definitely. I fell in love with ebooks quickly because I read voraciously, and a Kindle is a reader’s dream! I love that it can store so many titles, and is easy to carry, read, and handle. Plus, it doesn’t waste paper. I’m such a big believer in ebooks that I only release my books in that format. The only book I have a paperback version is Blurry, and that’s because it’s through a publisher and they took care of all the options for the paperback – but I’ve only sold two or three paperback copies of it since it released in 2011. I will read paperbacks, but I always check to see if an ebook version is available first.

What an interesting response. Thanks for being interviewed, Sherri!
