Duplicity of Power

Wild Heritance Book 1

S. Lynn Helton’s debut novel in the Wild Hertiance series is an epic, action and adventure fantasy novel.  Here’s a brief synopsis:

Namid is a leader within the Shadowers, a select guild of rogues in the decrepit city of Rhadanthus. While she has not always been a Shadower, among them she has found a refuge of sorts from darker times. By chance, she rescues a stranger from the brink of death, only to be plunged into chaos and adventure when a long-forgotten threat upends her hard-won haven and sends her fleeing for her life.

Caught up in the stranger’s quest, Namid and her unusual allies find themselves cast across the Six Realms of the Monarch and beyond. Antiquity and present clash, entangling the unlikely band in power struggles, the machinations of gods, and the dangers of a past thought left behind.

What at first seemed a fool’s errand to restore a legendary artifact of Power becomes a gambit for the Six Realms’ fate – and her own. And Namid doesn’t even believe in fate!

You can find out more about this action and adventure author on her website, at All Author, or on Facebook. You may ask her questions at Goodreads Author S. Lynn Helton.

Lynn’s Interview

What is your (1) most favorite thing to do OR (2) least favorite thing to do?

My most favorite thing to do is read. I’ve been reading since I was four – one of the earliest pictures of me shows me with a book in my hand. I love reading because I can experience other places and other people’s views at very little expense and without having to pack a bag and run off somewhere. (Although I do love to visit new places, too!) I can discover new worlds from reading, both real and imaginary, or learn more about our world. Give me a book and I’m happy! 🙂

Book lover extraordinaire!

Do you prefer to read (1) an audiobook OR (2) a paperback?

I prefer to read a physical book, paperback or hardcover doesn’t matter. I like holding the book in my hands, turning the pages. While I’ve listened to a couple of audiobooks—and they were excellent—I’m more of a visual person and so get more from the story when I’m actually reading the words. And I like how it’s just me and the writer, with no one else’s interpretations involved.

Total immersion in an actual book for you!

Can you name just one favorite novel OR (2) you love too many to just pick one?

I definitely love too many to pick just one. Although, at any given time I might have one that’s my favorite at that moment. I do have some all-time favorite authors, C. S. Friedman and Roger Zelazny to name a couple of them. But even among their books, I can’t always pick a favorite. I love discovering new-to-me writers with novels that join my too-many-to-just-pick-one list.

A true bibliophile!

You prefer (1) to people watch OR (2) bird watch?

Can I say both? 😀 I enjoy people-watching – it’s a great source of ideas for characterizations of people for stories. I can get ideas from how I see people interacting, perhaps mannerisms they have, different ways of holding themselves and dressing and wearing the adornments they’ve chosen for themselves. I do also enjoy watching birds, though, especially little birds. I love how they flutter and flit about, always seeming to be in motion.

Yes, you may!

Do you write when the mood takes you or at a set time?

While it’s definitely easiest to write when I’m in the mood for it, I’ve learned that it’s not required. Having a family doesn’t always give me the option of writing when I want, so I’ve adapted to writing when I can. With our various schedules, I seem to have most of most weekday mornings for my stuff, so that time has become my default “set writing time”. Although it’s also sometimes my editing time, my marketing time, my research time…. I try to keep it all writing related! I do still sneak in other times for writing, especially when I’ve got an idea I just have to get written down.

Primarily when she can slot the time!

Thanks for being interviewed, Lynn!

Duplicity of Power book cover
Duplicity of Power

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