Through Hell & Highwater

Author Victoria Liiv self-published a young adult fantasy novel in November. Here’s a synopsis:

In university Volo Noscere, located in Rome, where new academic year brings forth alot of new challenges and questions. When the world becomes increasingly unpredictable, are the humans reason for it all, or is there more to it?

Evyline and Lisanna believe there must be magic behind the changes. Tylon doesn’t care about what doesn’t affect him and RocTar just wants to make it through the year without failing class.

Like it or not, they get pulled into discovering what the world has in store for them.

You can find out more about this young adult fantasy author on Facebook or at Goodreads Author Victoria Liiv.

Victoria’s Interview

Science has advanced and we can now colonize other planets. Do you (1) sign up to be a colonist OR (2) remain on Earth?

I would love to travel to another planet and see places nobody else has laid their eyes on. I find it exciting to experience something as significant as colonizing another planet, but the only way I would truly leave the Earth would be if my partner comes together with me. No adventure would be worth being separated from him.

With partner, will travel!

Do you find it (1) easy to give a witty retort OR (2) think of what you should have said after the conversation is over?

I’ve always had trouble coming up with great responses in conversations and I am the person going pondering about seven hundred different ways how the conversation could have turned out, had I responded differently. I could blame my sister on my bad conversation skills, as she always took point in most of the conversations when we were young and didn’t really let me chip in, but she is the more talkative of us to begin with. I’ve always felt more comfortable writing than talking. The act of simply writing down things gives me more time to think over my ‘retorts’ and perfect them.

Interesting insight!

Are you (1) a morning person OR (2) a night owl?

I absolutely need my sleep. I get grumpy without a good night’s sleep; the headache that mostly follows could have something to do with it. Therefore, I am certainly not a night owl. I go to bed quite early on some people’s standard. I do wake up with a renewed will to complete chores, go for a run or do anything productive, really. That feeling slowly dissipates as the day goes by. I am definitely most productive in the morning.

Mornings for you!

Do you write (1) when the mood takes you OR (2) at a set time?

I tend to write when the inspiration hits me, although I did set up a schedule to finish Through Hell & Highwater and participated in NaNoWriMo to complete the word count. Having a set schedule does help you reach your goal a lot faster, but a lot of the time I might simply be sitting behind the screen, scrolling through Tumblr or Facebook feeds, while I should be writing. Having the mood to write is incredibly important to me, as I believe you can not force greatness into existence, it comes when it wants to.

Out with a schedule and in the mood!

Do you (1) love shopping OR (2) hate shopping?

Now, at the time of online shopping, I could scroll through endless pages of good’s-to-buy for hours, mostly clothes and books. I can always find more things that I can afford, which can be incredibly frustrating, but doesn’t stop me one bit. I do not enjoy waltzing through the stores, tough, unless they are furniture stores or interior design stores. I absolutely love walking into one of those.

Online shopping for you!

Thanks for being interviewed, Victoria!

book cover
Through Hell & Highwater

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