A Vampyre’s Daughter
Author Jeff Schanz’s urban fantasy novel is about a troubled Army vet and a beautiful lonely vampyre, two unlikely kindred spirits, trapped on a desolate island, battle for their lives and their newfound love against a powerful, ancient evil that hunts them both.
Find out more about this urban fantasy novelist on the Jeff Schanz website. Visit his page at: Goodreads Author Jeff Schanz.
Jeff’s Interview
What is your (1) favorite book quote OR (2) favorite movie quote?
Book quote: “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkein, The Fellowship of the Ring. The Tolkein quote just has such a personal ring to it. It can mean so many things, or something so incredibly simple, too.
Movie quote: (I have so many, but I’ll pick…) “Dyin’ ain’t much of a livin’, boy.” Clint Eastwood, The Outlaw Josey Wales. The Josey Wales line is just plain Eastwood cool.
Couldn’t decide on one or the other. That’s all right. It would be hard to decide between those two! You prefer to watch (1) a sunrise OR (2) a sunset?
Sunset. There’s something about the way the sky is burning just before the sun disappears. Went to Key West once where you can see either a sunrise or sunset depending on which side of the island you’re standing on (tiny island), and everyone chose sunsets to plan around. Plus, you have dinner, then maybe some fun at night. After sunrise is just daytime. Blah.
Interesting perspective. Are you a person who (1) makes and follows New Year resolutions OR (2) never bothers with resolutions?
Always make ‘em, usually don’t keep ‘em. I’m hopeful and optimistic, so I want to improve. I’m also lazy and a procrastinator. They lend themselves to breaking promises with myself.
Guess that’s better than procrastinating to make a resolution! What is your favorite (1) song OR (2) book?
I have several favorite songs, not just one. When any of these come on, I either turn up the volume to jam or stop what I’m doing to listen:
- Wanderlust – Paul McCartney
- Ballroom Blitz – Sweet
- On the Loose – Saga
- Telegraph Road – Dire Straits
- Bad (live) – U2
- Stay a Little Longer – Brothers Osborne
- Roll With the Changes -REO Speedwagon
- Welcome to the Pleasuredome – Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Who knows why any song gets to anyone?
Matter of perspective? Your significant other or child asked you to do something you don’t like to do. Do you (1) grin and bear it OR (2) mumble to yourself while doing the task?
Grin and bear it most of the time. My GF loves horror movies and asks me to go to the theaters with her to see them. The ones that don’t make me nauseous I will go with her so she’s not alone. I enjoy a good monster flick, but don’t like haunted or psychological horror, which is what she likes.
Why would I go? Duh, cuz I love her.
Definitely a good reason! Thanks for participating, Jeff!